
Tim Johan Verweij is a Principal AI Programmer at Guerrilla in Amsterdam. He studied Artificial Intelligence at VU Amsterdam. He joined Guerrilla in 2006 after completing his MSc thesis project on Killzone 2’s multiplayer bot AI. Since then, he has worked on AI behaviors as well as AI systems for the Killzone series, Horizon Zero Dawn and Horizon Forbidden West. He specializes in group behaviors and HTN planner technology.


This talk is about DECIMA's implementation of Hierarchical Task Network (HTN) planning, the AI planner technology which drives the NPC's high-level decisions. We explain how our implementation performs backtracking (similar to Prolog) over preconditions and present a flow visualization which can help understand the backtracking flow. This talk shows how that flow is realized in generated C++ and also touch on how we debug our HTN decompositions in-game. This talk was originally given at Goldsmiths, University of London, as part of the AI and Games Conference 2024.

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